Travel report from Barcelona – social trading

I have to travel a lot for business. This time I was staying in Barcelona for a long time and wanted to contact local business community. While searching for possible networking events I’ve came across marketing conference hold in a “Fira” – the number of large conference halls.

I was really impressed by social trading strategy in trading. Why one should spend time learning investment techniques, when the easier solution might be just copy successful trader. I’ve wrote a detailed report about this in my business blog.

I’ve got some questions asking me how to organize trip in terms of money. I was trying to answer with as many details as possible.

In most cases my answer was: if you want to travel a lot, first you need to get a passive income in some business niche. Then travelling is most pleasant.

I’ve start collecting passive income ideas that you might use when travelling. Check the text in the right sidebar or search for “passive income” on this blog.

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